Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

The best occasion is "just because"

A boudoir shoot does not have to be for a special occasion like a wedding or anniversary; for most of our clients, the shoot itself is the special occasion!

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Albums just got an upgrade

I’m excited to move my album production to a new company that produces some of the finest albums in the industry at an affordable price.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Let's talk body positivity

When I photograph you, I am not judging where you are in your journey. Where you are is the culmination of all your past experiences, and it is perfect. I want you to come as you are and celebrate yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Setting fitness goals for 2020? Read this first.

Go ahead and make those fitness resolutions. It's gonna take discipline and patience, but you can do it! Just make sure you always, always do it from a place of self love. Commit to only saying positive things about your body. You'll be capable of so much more than you ever imagined.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

A word on nudity

A quick primer on the differences between boudoir and erotica, and what kinds of requests I’m willing to grant for a client.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Why I started shooting boudoir

The beauty in boudoir is that I can show my clients that they are enough. They’re already stunning. They don’t need to look like this model or that, or have this body type, or whatever. Boudoir is about embracing your beauty exactly as you are. I strongly believe that’s an empowering form of self-love.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Client spotlight: Amy

Amy was one of my favorite clients I’ve had the privilege to work with. (I say that about all of them though, right?) When she contact me, she told me she had lost around 80lbs. She said, “I’m on the heavy side, but I’m learning to love my body.”

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

The art of posing

A boudoir shoot is like a lingerie shoot for the everyday woman - a day to feel like a model, to embrace her own natural beauty, and to feel comfortable and confident in her own skin.

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