The best occasion is "just because"

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a boudoir shoot being part of a special occasion — a wedding, anniversary, birthday, divorce, or anything else. There’s never any “wrong” reason to do something positive and fun for yourself!

But for most of our clients, the shoot itself is the occasion. Especially now, in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic, it can be really difficult to remember how valuable it is to connect with yourself. We think it’s more important than ever. Lots of us are having trouble eating healthily, sleeping soundly, or working out regularly, and the toll it’s taking on our bodies and our minds is very real. That’s all the more reason to reconnect with your body — to remember, or even see for the first time, how beautiful you are and how important it is to love yourself.

After all, if you aren’t in a place of self-love, self-care becomes that much more difficult. Most people get it exactly backwards — body positivity doesn’t come as a result of self-care; self-care comes as a result of body positivity. We want to give you a huge boost of confidence that you’ll carry with you, and that will inspire others to love themselves, too.


Coming soon: studio portrait sessions


Albums just got an upgrade