Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

The perfect body?

Instead of chasing an unattainable ideal, embrace yourself exactly as you are.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Giving yourself permission

When I work with the extraordinary everyday women who comprise the majority of my clientele, they understandably don’t have the confidence of an experienced model. They’re often just learning to feel comfortable in their own skin. For lots of reasons—work, kids, spouses, family, running a busy household—a lot of my clients simply haven’t given themselves permission to feel sexy.

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Finding your "why"

Recently, a client of mine said something I hadn’t expected. She said, “I chatted with several [boudoir photographers], and you’re the only one who was interested in my ‘why’!”

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Come as you are

You don’t need to “prepare” for your boudoir shoot. You’re already a stunner!

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Mike Doolittle Mike Doolittle

Not a model - a mom

You could be forgiven for thinking this stunning woman is a professional model, but she’s just an everyday, hardworking mother of three who walked into the studio having never been coached on posing.

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