Coming January 2020: group nude mini shoot

If you want to dip your toes into boudoir without taking the plunge on a full shoot, a mini is a great way to test the waters. Occasionally I run group promos for minis, and now is one of those times! This mini shoot will be $100 off a regular mini

The details:

Nude-only mini shoot

Restore House in Broken Arrow

Sunday, January 26th

How much?
$50 per person, four spots available

This shoot is nude only, but you can always accessories - shoes, sashes, blankets, pasties, etc. Importantly, because this is a promotional shoot, you’ll be required to sign a model release (I normally do not require my clients to sign a release); you’ll have the option of full share (your face shows in the photos) or anonymous share (your face is cropped out of photos). These photos will be shared only on my business social media profiles and website, and I will never tag you regardless of which sharing option you choose.

To get signed up, send me an email using the form below!


Setting fitness goals for 2020? Read this first.


Black Friday + Cyber Monday Specials