Client spotlight: Amy

Amy was one of my favorite clients I’ve had the privilege to work with. (I say that about all of them though, right?) When she contact me, she told me she had lost around 80lbs. She said, “I’m on the heavy side, but I’m learning to love my body.”

What a powerful statement: I’m learning to love my body.

When we met, she told me about her wedding day. She was near the heaviest she had ever been. On a day that is supposed to be a celebration—almost a fairy tail—she felt guilt and shame about her body. Her dress didn’t fit right, and she was self-conscious about her appearance the whole time.

She’s still on her weight loss journey, and she’s certainly nowhere near the idealized body types promoted in magazines. But the great thing? She’s realized that she doesn’t need to look like that to love her body, to feel beautiful and sexy.

I often tell my clients that they don’t have to be confident—just a little brave! I haven’t worked with a single client—including professional models—who don’t have some hangup about their bodies. Learning to love your body is empowering. It takes away the control that our ruthless culture has over your self-confidence. When you stop comparing yourself to others, an amazing thing happens: you embrace yourself as you are. And nothing is sexier than confidence!

To me, boudoir is about so much more than “pictures in lingerie.” It’s a chance to defy the pressures, the shame, the guilt so many of us carry about our bodies. We’re not enough of this, we’re too much of that. When you learn to love body, you take pride in caring for it. You realize your “flaws” are nothing of the sort—they’re part of who you are. Your body is more than just a vessel; it tells a story—your story. For Amy, it’s a story of realize that she is good enough—that she’s already a stunner.

Ready to take you own journey? Book your session now:


Client spotlight: Lisa


The art of posing