Four misconceptions about boudoir

If you’re visiting this website, there’s a pretty good chance you’re thinking about doing a boudoir photo shoot. Maybe you have friends who’ve done it, or maybe you’ve seen the photos and thought . But if you’re not quite sure you’re ready for it, maybe one of these four misconceptions is what’s holding you back!

Misconception #1: You need an ideal body

Boudoir is a come-as-you-are experience that is about self-love and personal empowerment. As they have for ages, women today face all kinds of pressures to lose weight, “tone up,” fit into tiny dresses, or otherwise fit various male-centric standards of beauty. You don’t have to drop those last 10 pounds or lose a pant size to do a boudoir shoot; in fact, you’re almost certain to enjoy the experience much more if you just resolve to celebrate yourself exactly as you are.

Misconception #2: You have to wear lingerie

Lingerie is great and can help a woman feel very sexy, but I’ve done shoots in robes, plain Calvin Klein underwear, and old t-shirts. During your shoot you’ll have time for up to four different looks; I always recommend that clients bring several outfits they like and feel comfortable wearing, and at least one outfit that pushes them outside their comfort zone just a bit. That might mean lingerie, or it could even mean implied nudity - it’s up to you. But the ‘rules’ of boudoir are pretty flexible!

Misconception #3: You need a significant other

For many women, a boudoir shoot is a gift to a significant other - for a wedding, an anniversary, etc. But for many other women, a boudoir shoot is a gift to themselves. And why shouldn’t it be? Self-love is an amazing gift!

Misconception #4: You have to be self-confident

You don’t have to be confident - just a little brave. Boudoir is a way to boost your confidence. I’ll be directing you through every pose so your portraits show your beauty in a way you never imagined possible. It’s easy to look at a final set of portraits and imagine the women as being very self-assured. But those women were nervous before their shoots as well!

Ready to book your shoot? No time like the present!


A few things you can wear to your boudoir shoot that aren't lingerie


Five reasons you should purchase an album with your boudoir session