The pros and cons of traditional vs. fine art boudoir

One of the pros and cons of traditional boudoir photography is its predictability. Most photographers shoot similar styles, similar setups, and similar poses. In fact, having personally known and interact with many boudoir photographers myself, it’s very common for them to have a predetermined flow in their photoshoots — these poses, followed by these poses, then this room, then this room, those poses, etc.

The pro of this is that you know what to expect. If your friends have done a boudoir photoshoot, or you been following boudoir photographers on social media, you likely won’t face any surprises when you take the leap and go in for your photoshoot.

The con, though, is that in the end, your photos won’t look much different than the countless others that have come before you. The lighting, the poses, the editing — it will all look very similar. While there’s still a very good chance you’ll love your photos, they won’t stand out for being uniquely creative or expressive.

Fine art boudoir like I do also comes with pros and cons. The downside is that there is an element of unpredictability. You can’t be 100% sure what your photos will look like, because there is always an element of experimentation in creativity. But the reward is that you will have photos that are truly unique, expressive, and beautiful — photos that no one else will be able to truly replicate. You might even have a smaller number of final photos that you truly love, but you will absolutely adore the ones you do.

Which style is right for you? There is no right answer — both are beautiful styles of photography, and you will love your photos regardless. Of course, I’m a little biased — while I greatly enjoyed my time producing conventional boudoir, I much prefer the creativity afforded to me by studio photography. Everything from the color and shape of light to sets, props, and looks can be uniquely tailored to your vision. It’s not just taking you through the motions of predetermined poses — it’s a collaborative process to create truly one of a kind pieces of art.

I’d love for you to visit my studio in midtown Tulsa for a photoshoot. Reserve your spot here:


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