Gallery of the day - All shapes and sizes

One of my core values as a fine art boudoir photographer is body-inclusiveness. I don’t want anyone to feel like they aren’t attractive enough to participate in the artistic process; I’ve always strongly believed in a come-as-you-are philosophy. I can’t count the number of times prospective clients have told me they’re going to schedule a photoshoot as soon as they “lose ten pounds,” “tone up,” or “drop a couple of sizes.”

I can also tell you that not a single one of those individuals has ever followed through with a booking. The only way you’ll ever pull the trigger is to accept yourself as you are, today. Because you are already more than enough.

Looking for a boudoir photographer in the Tulsa area, but tired of the same old stuff? Tap below to schedule your very own fine art boudoir photoshoot.


Less spicy is okay, too


Accepting yourself