Why pay for your photos separately?

Over the years I’ve been a photographer, I’ve known quite a few photographers (not necessarily boudoir photographers) who include a certain number of photos in their base price, or offer prepaid packages with prints, an album, and more. I’ve experimented with this pricing model, and I prefer to sell my photos separately from the shoot itself. Why? Because, when you understand the sensitive nature of boudoir photography, it just makes more sense.

See, as much as I’ve love to be able to guarantee that my clients will love their photos, that’s simply not realistic. It may have nothing at all to do with me — I am confident that I will execute the photos well on a technical level. But when it comes to intimate portraits of our bodies, that vulnerability can affect people very differently.

I’m happy to say that overwhelmingly, my clients love their photos. Part of that is simply because by the time someone has booked with me, they know my style and they have a clear expectation. But even when someone completely loves their photos, it’s impossible for me to predict which ones the client will love most.

For that reason, it just makes more sense to sell photos separately. In the unlikely event that someone hates their photos, they are only out the money for the shoot — which paid me for my time in the studio and editing all of the photos. It can really leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth if they pay hundreds or even thousands for an expensive photo package they don’t like. And when someone — pretty much everyone! — loves their photos, they can pick the ones they love most and decide which products they want based on their budget. They’ll feel better about their purchase because every penny went to a photo they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

Looking for a boudoir photographer in or near Tulsa, Oklahoma? You can reserve your shoot with a deposit of just $299! And remember, for Pride Month 2024, I’m offering 50% off all photos and products for same-sex couples, as well as transgender or non-binary individuals. I’m looking forward to seeing you in my studio!


Gallery of the day: Non-Binary individuals


Your photoshoot, your way